Rund 1000 gebrannte Ziegel benötigt ein Cool Chamber nach dem Vorbild von energypedia. In Brikama gibt es eine Ziegelbrennerei, die von Fatou Ceesay geleitet wird. Die aus Lehm gefertigten Ziegel werden getrocknet und anschliessend aufeinandergestapelt und mit Holzfeuer gebrannt.
About 1000 bricks are needed to build a cool chamber. we only needed about 600. The firebricks were produced in Brikama at Mme Fatou Ceesays enterprise. The bricks were then transported to Tanji Lower basic School. We needed one day to construct the cool chamber. The carpenter needed another day to construct the shade.
Due to evaporation of the water in the sand inbetween two walls the chamber itself can be up to 10 degrees cooler than the surroundings.
Starting the cool chamber the floor two walls fill in sand in between the walls wet the sand Kalifa the finished chamber

the chamber in the shade mats a lid for the chamber the lid can be locked baskest for the chamber